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Lore OlymPOD

Nov 30, 2020

Covering LO chapters 89 & 90 feat.:

  • Hades & Persephone's hospital dance moves
  • the world's most apathetic receptionist
  • Hades & Persephone re-igniting everyone's sexy doctor obsession

Nov 23, 2020

Covering LO chapters 87 & 88, feat.:

  • the greatest c*ckblock in history
  • the real definition of bedroom eyes
  • is Persephone a literal saint?

Nov 16, 2020

Covering Lore Olympus chapters 85 & 86, including:

  • Hades' suits made of diamonds
  • the goddess of goat cheese, Goatarella
  • Erin's thoughts on the sexiness of that weird goat man bouncer

Nov 9, 2020

Covering LO chapters 83 & 84, including:

  • Persephone being sad and chesty
  • Zeus' full founding father regalia
  • Poseidon being secretly woke

Nov 2, 2020

Would you rather: spend even one second of your life interacting with Apollo OR bathe in bird crap every day for the rest of your life? There's a right answer and we all know what it is.

Covering LO chapters 81 & 82, featuring:

  • Lots of wishes for violence against Apollo
  • A beautiful family history of...