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Lore OlymPOD

Aug 30, 2021

Covering LO chapter 155 on its own because we had a lot to say, including:

  • Big MILF energy from Demeter
  • Zeus surpassing our expectations by doing at least the bare minimum as a partner for once
  • How Zoey and Erin would react in Zeus' shoes during Hera's nightmare (not well)


Aug 23, 2021

Covering just LO chapter 154 because we have a LOT to say, including:

  • Artemis' strong feelings that this TGOEM meeting could have been an email
  • Athena being the world's most supportive partner
  • Hermes watering all our crops


Aug 16, 2021

Yikes, Erin's audio is real bad here but Zoey did her best to edit through it. Sorry, team. It's hard out here with these budget mics. 

Covering LO chapters 152 & 153 featuring:

  • Why does Underworld Corp not have HR???? Why do they not have Security???? What are we doing???
  • Full...

Aug 9, 2021

Some surprise bonus content during our hiatus! This is one of our all-time favorite monthly bonuses from our Patreon, so we hope you all enjoy it. We'll be back with regular episodes on August 16!